Saturday, March 17, 2012

About C.S. Lewis Author Of Narnia Chronicles

C.S. Lewis     Author 
Born        1898 in Belfast, IrelandC.S. Lewis
Died        1963

Clive Staples "Jack" Lewis was an Irish writer and scholar. Lewis is known for his work on medieval literature, Christian apologetics, literary criticism, and fiction. He is best known today in secular culture for his series Chronicles of Narnia

Lewis taught as a fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford from 1925 to 1954, and later was the first Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at the University of Cambridge and a fellow of Magdalene College. He was a close friend of J.R.R. Tolkien. Both authors were leading figures in the informal Oxford literary group known as the Inklings.

Genre:         Religion & Spirituality, Literature & Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Influences:   George MacDonald, G.K. Chesterton, J.R.R. Tolkien, Olaf Stapledon

An Intense Look At Love by C.S.Lewis

“When the two people who thus discover that they are on the same secret road are of different sexes, the friendship which arises between them will very easily pass – may pass in the first half hour – into erotic love. Indeed, unless they are physically repulsive to each other or unless one or both already loves elsewhere, it is almost certain to do so sooner or later. And conversely, erotic love may lead to Friendship between the lovers. But this, so far from obliterating the distinction between the two loves, puts it in a clearer light. If one who was first, in the deep and full sense, your Friend, is then gradually or suddenly revealed as also your lover you will certainly not want to share the Beloved’s erotic love with any third. But you will have no jealousy at all about sharing the Friendship. Nothing so enriches an erotic love as the discovery that the Beloved can deeply, truly and spontaneously enter into Friendship with the Friends you already had; to feel that not only are we two united by erotic love but we three or four or five are all travelers on the same quest, have all a common vision.”

― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

My comment on this quote from Lewis' book 'The Four Loves" is that I believe it is an illustration of the intensities of a relationship, between just two people.  It is outlining some possibilities and scenarios but How I feel it relates to Art is my topic:  Art and it's relationship to the Artist, the Creator, is this type of intensity.  Total commitment and dedication mixed with unbridled direction (ie: goal) is essential for one to grow.  It takes many many years to grow the enormous intellectual, spiritual, and physical attributes to accomplish 'real art', although I must qualify that statement with this one: Yes, children can perform an event of 'real art' due to expression, feeling, emotion, etc, all those elements PURELY driven into medium whether it is graphic or music, can be , I believe classified into 'real art'.  The first reference of definition I offer is one based on 'each piece' an Artist does is 'real art'.  It certainly is not a 'Shark in a Tank of Formaldehyde"!  That at best is a 'statement'.  I call this FAD art, people caught up in a feeding frenzy without the slightest inclination of what they are 'eating'.  Ha, I have to laugh at myself for my boldness to suggest that millionaires, multimillionaires, billionaires are idiots, generally speaking, when it comes to Art.  They are FAD followers, and hey, sometimes those FADs keep or grow in monetary value, true.  The question is are they 'feeding' you universal truths and aiding you in your personal growth?  What are other questions that Art should answer?  I would be very pleased to know that someone read this item and has the ability and insight to respond.
 All My Friends, Love and Best Wishes to You,  Brad

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Very Startling Look At Life, Love and Art

Bernard Beckett
“I am not a machine. For what can a machine know of the smell of wet grass in the morning, or the sound of a crying baby? I am the feeling of the warm sun against my skin; I am the sensation of a cool wave breaking over me. I am the places I have never seen, yet imagine when my eyes are closed. I am the taste of another's breath, the color of her hair. You mock me for the shortness of my lifespan, but it is this very fear of dying that breathes life into me. I am the thinker who thinks of thoughts. I am curiosity, I am reason, I am love, and I am hatred. I am indifference. I am the son of a father, who in turn was a father's son. I am the reason my mother laughed and the reason my mother cried. I am wonder and I am wondrous. Yes, the world may push your buttons as it passes through your circuitry. But the world does not pass through me. It lingers. I am in it and it is is me. I am the means by which the universe has come to know itself. I am the thing no machine can ever make. I am meaning.”
― Bernard Beckett

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

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Love, The Two Sided Enchantment of Life C.S. LEWIS

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.” 

 C.S. Lewis

Friday, February 3, 2012

This Quote by Aldous Huxley Tinkers with Questions...

“Mother, monogamy, romance. High spurts the fountain; fierce and foamy the wild jet. The urge has but a single outlet. My love, my baby. No wonder those poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable. Their world didn’t allow them to take things easily, didn’t allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy. What with mothers and lovers, what with the prohibitions they were not conditioned to obey, what with the temptations and the lonely remorses, what with all the diseases and the endless isolating pain, what with the uncertainties and the poverty—they were forced to feel strongly. And feeling strongly (and strongly, what was more, in solitude, in hopelessly individual isolation), how could they be stable?”

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Monday, January 30, 2012

About Robert A. Heinlein

Robert A. Heinlein

born                                      July 07, 1907 in Butler, MO, The United States

May 08, 1988

genre                                     Science Fiction & Fantasy, Children's Books

H. G. Wells, James Branch Cabell, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Rudyard Kipling...more

Robert Anson Heinlein was an American novelist and science fiction writer. Often called "the dean of science fiction writers", he is one of the most popular, influential, and controversial authors of "hard science fiction". He set a high standard for science and engineering plausibility and helped to raise the genre's standards of literary quality. He was the first writer to break into mainstream, general magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post, in the late 1940s, with unvarnished science fiction. He was among the first authors of bestselling, novel-length science fiction in the modern, mass-market era. 

A Moving Passage from Robert A. Heinlein

“Anybody can look at a pretty girl and see a pretty girl. An artist can look at a pretty girl and see the old woman she will become. A better artist can look at an old woman and see the pretty girl that she used to be. But a great artist-a master-and that is what Auguste Rodin was-can look at an old woman, protray her exactly as she is...and force the viewer to see the pretty girl she used to be...and more than that, he can make anyone with the sensitivity of an armadillo, or even you, see that this lovely young girl is still alive, not old and ugly at all, but simply prisoned inside her ruined body. He can make you feel the quiet, endless tragedy that there was never a girl born who ever grew older than eighteen in her matter what the merciless hours have done to her. Look at her, Ben. Growing old doesn't matter to you and me; we were never meant to be admired-but it does to them.” 
― Robert A. Heinlein

Monday, January 16, 2012

My New Friends :) It is a True Joy to have a Growing Family of Friends

I just would love to thank each and everyone of you, my followers and followers to be, to be so wonderful accommodating and NICE. I have a lot of work to do to get things running the way I want, please always feel free to ask question, inquire and generally be yourself and I will always return your requested infomation. Ok That's it for now while I learn how to upload and get things organized on this fancy internet thingy!  Brad

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